Today is a day where we all celebrate Mothers and women who have played big roles in our lives! I am BLESSED to say that I have many inspirational mother-like figures in my life in addition to my own absolutely amazing mother! I don't know how I got so lucky, but sure am Thankful for it.
I am truly amazed by you women! Now that I'm at an age where I can really grasp what it means to be a mother and fully understand what my own mother went through, I applaud you ladies. Actually, I think y'all deserve a standing ovation. From what I've witnessed, motherhood is the most selfless, grueling (at times), under appreciated,and extremely rewarding JOB! A job that I too hope to day.
To my own mother(or Madre as I like to call her)~
My best friend, my teacher, and my inspiration. I can't even begin to Thank You enough for guiding me in this crazy life and for ALWAYS being there! For having so much strength to endure almost anything and never have it touch our world. For not giving up on your own happiness. For teaching me the importance of making yourself happy FIRST; how can you make other people in your life happy when you aren't? For being beyond understanding and patient. For making me learn the hard way...seriously, THANK YOU! I appreciate my successes so much more now. For being so open and allowing me to share EVERYTHING with you...the only person to know all my secrets. For loving me unconditionally! Ohhh and for being so funny ;)
Madre, you are truly one amazing woman! I can only hope to be half the woman and mother that you are. I love you MUCHO GRANDE!!! Como se llama....BITCHES! Ahhhhh Kelly Clarkson! ( had to throw some of our humor in there for ya)!
To all you other lovely ladies in my life who are mamas/my inspiration~ I love you all! You are all amazing and wonderful! My hat goes off to you.
Happy Mothers Day! Now, go Thank the women in your life who have inspired you...
P.s. For the mothers who are no longer with us: you have a place in our hearts.
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