
In Loving Memory...

Mercedes Joy Genovese
December 9,1935~February 6, 2011

"Remembered Joy"
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free, I followed the plan God laid for me. I saw His face, I heard His call, I took His hand and left it all...

I could not stay another day, To love, to laugh, or to play And undone tasks must stay that way.

If my parting has left you a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss....
These things I, too, shall miss.

My life's been full I've savored much: Good times, good friends, a loved-one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief, Don't shorten yours with undue grief.

Be not burdened with tears of sorrow, Enjoy the sunset of the morrow.

~ Today my wonderful West Coast family (and other family who could make the trip) is CELEBRATING the life of my wonderful Aunt Joy!! She passed in February (the absolute WORST month of the year...I'll explain sometime later), but they chose to honor her today because it is Derby Day. Every year my Aunt Joy would throw a big party at her house and she absolutely adored that time. I'm sad to say that I have never made it to one of these events because of the distance. I wish more than anything that I could be there today to partake in this special day and be with my amazing family! But, the distance,expense, and time I don't have to take off work made it near impossible. Writing that now makes it seem all like one big excuse. Wishing I would have racked up some credit card debt, left on a friday night only to return on Sunday, and dealt with the jet lag. Enough of that.

I don't even know how to begin to describe my Aunt Joy. AMAZING, is the word that comes to mind. She was such a strong, caring, loving, funny, and SMART woman. Growing up, I didn't see her hardly any because she lived in California with her husband and children. But, the times that I did spend with her meant the world to me. The moment that sticks out the most would be when she and I were sitting at Henrys Bar in Charleston, Sc. It was the Hotchkiss girls trip and my very first one because I was finally 21 and could partake in the festivities! I was SO looking forward to spending time with these wonderful women (all second cousins and great aunts...the madre was an only child). Anyway, back to Henrys Bar, Aunt Joy helped change my life! In true Aunt Joy fashion, she told me how stupid I was for staying in a relationship where I was clearly unhappy. Now of course, that is not how she said it. She had a way of telling you you were making a mistake, but with so much love and wisdom behind it that it didn't hurt your feelings. I will forever be grateful for her kind kick in the ass and for helping me wake up!

A few years later, I was lucky enough to experience the girls reunion at her beautiful home in California. Talk about a great time! The trip was not only so the girls could get together again, but it was also to honor my Aunt Connie who had passed the December prior (another wonderful woman, but she deserves her own blog). I think back on that time with such fondness. So much laughter and good times! I seriously ADORE that family.

The last memories I have of her is at my cousin Kimmies wedding. She passed not long after that. I am so thankful that she made the journey to share in a great day. I am thankful I was able to squeeze her tight and tell her how much I love her one more time.

My description of her doesn't even begin to do her justice, but I can tell you that her name was fitting for her. Aunt Joy, Thank You for being an inspiration! I will miss you every day, but will be celebrating your life today in Bluffton!

In her words: "We are here for a good time, not a long time!"...