
The definition of insane...

Is ME and my addiction to falling for complicated!

I say it is an "addiction" because I always do it and I know I'm doing it (hence insane) and I tell myself to stop falling for complicated, but I don't and the ending is usually the same. Which involves me being sad and then angry at myself and complicated in a relationship with someone else!

I'm trying to figure out why I do this. Maybe it's just another way to protect myself from really falling for someone and having my heart shattered again? Not cool self...not cool at all! I really need to learn my lesson.

Also, for any guys who may actually read my amazing ramblings. Do a girl a favor and don't play with a girls heart. If you tell her you're not ready for a relationship, but you really mean you don't want to date her (just sleep with her and be her friend)...tell her the truth. Truth hurts sometimes, but it's much better than stringing her along until you find the girl you do want to be with.

And in related news...I completely adore Mr. Complicated from over a year ago new girlfriend! Which makes me and new gf completely amazing. Seriously, how many people can say they are friends with their ex and the love of their life?! Not too many. At least I don't think. It's awesome to see him so happy! Eventhough he was a complicated he really is an amazing person and he opened my eyes to what kind of man I should end up with. New gf is a lucky lady, but I think she knows that!

I don't think I will feel the same about new complicated and his "girlfriend", but I'll be happy for him because he too is an amazing person and he deserves happiness (a whole lot of it)!

Man, I'm a fucking awesome person (haha)! Now if I could just find uncomplicated who does not watch dancing with the stars (or current complicated realize he made a stupid for getting back with homegirl...I mean a girl can dream right?...or something).

Also, if any of you 5 readers want to take a shot at being a therapist go ahead and give it a whirl on my addiction with complicated. Cause i'd like to figure out why I do this and not always end up being the friend...cause I'm pretty sure I'd be a good girlfriend!


  1. Found your blog, and LOVE it.. Now you have six readers. Wish I could answer the "complicated question.. But What I do know is you were, and will be the most amazing girlfriend.. The lucky guy is out there looking for you.. Hope he finds you soon.. MS

  2. because if it's too easy then all we can do is second-guess ourselves. oh wait, we already do that. i don't know, but i hate them all!!! :)

  3. True MA...very true!

    I also find that with the guys that want to date me they annoy the everliving shit out of me!!! Can you say girl with issues? I'm working on it though...

  4. I think it has everything to do with building emotional walls to see if Mr. Wonderful will be determined and dedicated and patient enough to tear them down. Women want men to prove themselves.. it's in our DNA to desire a good provider... a tough fighter who is completely dedicated to us. Back in the day it was about providing food and protection, but in modern times we sort of have that covered for ourselves. Our emotions are telling us he's got to work for it, but our hormones are also telling us to make babies. So in the end, we are just as confusing and insane as the boys. I always go back to Why Men Love Bitches... women have forgotten along the way how to play the game. Like it or not, it is a game. You have to play your cards close to your vest, value yourself immensely, and keep him guessing. The reason the guys you don't want to date annoy you and are more persistent than ever is BECAUSE you are a challenge, a lofty dream. Don't ever go all out for him with steak dinners and lingerie in the beginning, because then he thinks he's got you and he didn't even have to try. Number one rule: if there is another woman in the picture, ditch the asshole. Even if he chooses you over her, you will always second guess and there will be no complete trust. #979798 why idiotic reality dating shows have screwed up our generation.... it is INSANE and DEGRADING to allow a person to date you and a dozen other people at the same time while you prance around like you are auditioning for a role. Those people have no self worth. OK I'm done rambling for now.... xoxoxo

  5. THIS is why I love you Blum!! Well, this and so many other reasons. You are a great "therapist"

    We are going to have so much to catch up on in almost a week! Love you xoxo
