
Meditate on this (dos)...

Oh yeah night numero dos of thoughts to meditate on.

I've learned that I currently suck at meditating and my mind goes a million different directions. But, practice makes perfect...right?!

Also, I'm thinking I should post the thought to meditate on before posting because I totally thought about what I was going to write during. I'm pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to do it.

On finding satisfaction in reality...

"What can be fearful but fantasy, and who turns to fantasy unless he despairs of finding satisfaction in reality?"

Hmmm...I'm a total daydreamer! Like on my way to/from work I often find myself arriving at my destination having no real recollection of the drive. I guess this daydream believer needs to work on remaining in the present more often...

1 comment:

  1. I do the samething while driving! It's scary sometimes.
