
R.A.O.K. June edition....

Holy he'll(thank you auto correct for trying to make me a lady, but I wanted to say HELL)it's June 30th!!! Where has the time gone?

So, as part of my 101 of 1001 (refer to that tab on my blog to figure out what I'm talking about) I said I would perform a random act of kindness each month. This month it revolved around customer service and giving kudos to those who actually deliver great customer service!

Before I go any further, I must apologize! I'm in extreme...I mean extreme pain (hence the go fuck yourself post)!!! This drains me of personality and my brain isn't thinking straight. Therefore, I won't be sharing this the way I imagined.

I wanted to be cute, sarcastic, and funny...you know the way I like to think I write when I'm my normal witty self (of course I'm probably way off and no where close)! But, today is going to be straight to the point. Customer service (really good customer service) is pretty much non-existent and being that I've worked in c.s. for 13yrs, I can declare myself an expert as to what c.s. Should look like. Also, I've decided I should teach phone etiquette courses (I'll save that for another time).

Back to the point...this month I made a point to tell anyone that was supposed to be delivering c.s. to me and actually did it without making it seem like I was ruining their day for picking their check out line, that they are doing a great job!

The way I see it I was not only boosting the ego of some guy/girl actually doing their job, but I was helping make the interaction for the next person in line, on the phone, or whatever it may be, more enjoyable. Everyone likes to hear that they are doing a good job! It makes you want to keep doing what you're doing and maybe even do it a little better. And, I don't know about you, but when I have friendly people help me it makes that experience a much more pleasant one.

I could/would rant and rave on all of my horrible experiences with c.s. and complain about how it is a lost art these days, but lucky for you my hands feel like they are on fire and I want to cut my arms off ;)

So, since this month is basically over; how about next month you are on the receiving end of good customer service you tell them "good job"! Give it a whirl...


  1. The way I understood fibromyalgia, you ate something you were allergic to, it flared up until you stopped eating whatever and gave it an amount of time to get out of your system. It could literally be almost anything, like turkey or soybeans (everything is cooked in soy) or milk or a combination of things. I could be talking out of my ass since I really don’t know what it is like to go through fibromyalgia. But being a type 1 diabetic, it does me I just can’t eat whatever, I have to plan and give myself enough insulin every meal. Still it must suck, Sorry you are going through a bad patch with it.

  2. Thank you so much!!!

    Food does play a part...there are definite no no's...like chocolate, coffee, pasta (basically everything I love) and I have slid a little on my eating super healthy so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

    There are so many other factors that play a part, like weather, stress, lack of sleep, etc. There is no known "cause" of fibromyalgia and up until recently many doctors thought people with fiby to just be crazy! I actually experienced a doctors visit when they thought I had lupus and he told me I was crazy and it was all in my head once the blood test came back negative for lupus. I almost told him to go fuck himself!

    Sorry to hear you are living with type 1 diabetes, but I guess we are lucky to say we are LIVING!

  3. and if we were dead we clearly wouldn't be blogging! Unless we were zombies and if we were zombies I'm sure we wouldn't have fiby or diabetes and we probably wouldn't be blogging because we'd be too busy eating brains.

    (how's that for a tangent!?)

  4. I think this is a WONDERFUL idea! I was in the habit of writing letters and notifying management of fabulous customer service, but I've been slack as of late. I'm getting back on board! Thanks Brandy... and feel BETTER PLEASE

  5. I knew you would get it Kristin!! Love the idea of writing letters and informing management...I think I shall try it. Also...working on the whole feeling better thing. Going to the doctors in two weeks and I may just give in and let them prescribe me some drugs, but I'll only use them on really bad days.

    I'll tell you all about it in two weeks when I get to see your pretty face! PUMPED
