
Is that your sister...

The madre came for a visit this weekend and what a glorious belly laughing time we had! I wish I could say the reason for the visit was just because she wanted to see my beautiful face, but alas it was because the bf had some business thing in HHI. Hey, I'll take her any way I can get her.

Having the madre around makes everything right in my world. The sun shines brighter, the music sounds better, the drinks taste sweeter and there is endless amounts of laughter!!! She is my one true best friend in this world. Someone I can always count on being there for me. Now one would think this is obvious because she is the person who birthed me, but I know people who are not friends with their mothers. They can't share everything with them and while I feel some sadness that they don't have that, I also realize that they do share a special bond with their madres...just slightly different. I know some people think I'm bat shit crazy for telling my mom everything and they can't wrap their pretty heads around the fact that we're friends!

This was not always the case...oh no...it surely was not!!! We did not get along from the time that I was 13 to about 20...give or take. This was because she refused to be my friend. She was adamant about being my mother first! These were the times that I shoved my stubborn independence in her face and she was quick to put in my place.

Case in point: I got accepted to my dream college, but informed her I would be staying close to home because I was "in love". Her response: Fine...you want to throw away your chance at attending the college you've wanted to attend since you were 10...YOU get to pay for school! And pay for school I did!!!

Now, I look back at those times with great appreciation, but I sure didn't appreciate it then. She has taught me many great life lessons and if I may toot my own horn, I think I've turned into a self-sufficient, well rounded, good hearted young lady because of it!! Okay...lady may be stretching it a little ;)

Thank you madre for being my mother first and now being my best friend!! Lucky lucky (almost a) lady I am!

So, back to this weekends visit...it was much needed for both of us. To talk and share how we are feeling about the situation with my sister (something I'm sure I'll delve deeper into on another post...but now is not the time) and to be our hilarious selves when we are together (I'm pretty sure we are the only ones who think we're insanely funny).

Her boyfriend, whom I am always inclined to refer to as Mac Daddy (bc his name is Lewis, but likes to refer to himself as Mac...duh), could not get over how much the madre and I are alike. I'm sure I heard "you're just like your mother" a million times and why thank you for that compliment Mr. Mac daddy! NO...I never did call him that to his face because I'm sure it is highly inappropriate. But, the common theme of the weekend by the people we encountered was how much alike (looks and personality wise) we are. I mean I knew there were many similarities, but it was almost ridiculous how many people commented on it and I guess that makes us twins now?!? I think the madre was getting a little annoyed by all the comments on how much alike we are. That and the fact that I would respond with "thanks, she gets her good looks from me!"

Now for the good stuff! The list of funny things that came out of the madres mouth this weekend...(well funny to us at least)

"I like this 3 course shit!" ~madre referring to the specials menu at Reillys

"There are hazards to trying to be cool at 50" ~madre talking about how her belly button ring gets stuck on the counter at work...mind you she is not quite 50 yet

"You don't need to find the Tequila IT will find you!" ~ Mac Daddy...kudos for making a funny

"The way I see it I'm getting my daily water intake" ~madre talking about the benefits/her love of water and vodka

Madre- I think I have a new Nickname for a penis!
Me- ooookay (with a confused look on my face)...what is it?
Madre- a monkey wrench!
Me- why? (very confused still)
Madre- I don't know,but while we were car dancing on the ride home last night to Dave Matthews one of his songs where he is singing about monkeys came on and when I woke up this morning the nickname just came to me
Me- just staring at her and trying to figure out how a penis is like a monkey wrench
Madre- blurts out...swing that monkey wrench my way
Me- uncontrollably laughing and slightly disturbed (I don't know why, but I find sexual jokes/references f-ing hilarious)

There was so much more, but unfortunately I didn't write it all down and my memory is less than spectacular! Ahhhh great times and can't wait to see her in two weeks for our skydiving excursion!


  1. love this... so many fond memories of the two of you together... including one at WILD WING CAFE lol

  2. Oh lord...yeah that was one for the books! We are some kind of special that crazy lady and I! That was a good day.
