
Follow me Friday...

Okay, so I have been seriously slacking on my Follow me Friday blog!! This is due to the fact that I've been traveling to visit a dear friend on my weekends. BUT, here is my second attempt:

This Friday I bring you... http://blumtastic.blogspot.com/ and I apologize because you probably won't be able to link to it on this blog. However, if you look to the right --> and underneath my A-mazing blogs you can find it. I recommend you take the time to do so because you will NOT be disappointed!

Kristin is another dear friend of mine and someone who has inspired me from the day I met her. The story of how we became friends really deserves a blog of it's own, but I will say I think we were destined to be in each others lives!

Her blog reflects on her gypsy soul, creative nature, great sense of humor and beautiful personality! I simply adore reading this and am thankful she started one; since we can no longer walk down the hall, barge into each others rooms, and talk for hours about anything and everything. It's a way to stay connected without having to be bothered with annoying phones. Obviously you can tell I think highly of her and when you take the time to read her blog you will see why she is one of my inspirations.


I'm late in adding this, but it will be a section on my Follow Me Friday from this point forward.


Fave restaurant: I'm a big time foodie always in search of the next fabulous meal. I just love Mom & Pop places, especially exotic places like Asian Fusion, Ethiopian, and Mediterranean.

Where I shop locally: I have a great neighborhood not too far from where I live that's full of incredible boutiques, coffee shops, and even amazing thrift stores. Some of my favorites are 10,000 Villages, Ellwood Thompsons, Bygones, Black Swan, and Second Time Around just to name a few.

My pets: Bowser, my 11 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback mix and Rocko, my 4 year old Shepherd mix. Both of these guys were strays my family rescued off the side of old country highways in my hometown because that's how we roll.

Favorite flower: I'd definitely have to go with wildflowers like poppies, black eyed susans, honeysuckle, and cosmos.

One item always in my purse: Dental floss. I'm really big on oral hygiene.

My workout: I try to keep it interesting and challenging, but at some point during the week it involves pilates, a trusty treadmill, and free weights. I like to try new machines, classes, and workout DVDs for variety... my brother has convinced me to try P90X this summer!

Dream vacation: Wow really? This is a tough question, but since it's my dream then I suppose there are no limits. Ideally I'd love to live on a ship for a few months and travel to the corners of the earth that I haven't explored, like New Zealand, Galapagos Islands, Madagascar, Norway, Greece, Turkey, West Africa, Argentina... just to name a few.

Fav shoes: I don't actually own them yet, but one day Christian Louboutin will be in my closet, possibly on a shrine.

Where you'll find me on Friday nights: Searching for the next adventure here in the River City! I'm part of a Richmond Scavenger Hunt Team looking to take full advantage of all the hidden treasures and tourist traps our city has to offer.

Signature scent: My skin isn't particularly sensitive except when it comes to perfume. I'm not crazy about all the chemicals in "fragrance" anyway, but the natural cosmetics I use smell like a day at the spa. I love rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, mint, clove, cedarwood... mmmm.

My guilty pleasure: Depleting my savings on airline tickets.

Why I love to blog: I've always enjoyed writing, photography, networking, and socializing. Blogging just makes sense!

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