
Happy heart...

Good Sunday morning to you!!

I love Sunday's; even though Sunday's are my last day before work and there is that little hint of sadness that the weekend is coming to an end. I just love the ever living daylights out of this day. I can't really explain why. I just do! Maybe because I feel this sense of peace and reflection on life and how glorious it all really is?!?

I woke up early this morning to take the pups that I'm pup sitting on long walks. It was wonderful! I soaked in all the beauty that is mother nature and took time to appreciate where I live. I am beyond blessed to live in such a beautiful place (if I could I would share the pics I took this morning...breath taking) and I often take it for granted. Which is sad and it made me realize that I need to wake up earlier on my weekends and take advantage of my surroundings.

My little heart is filled with so much happiness; to the point where it could burst! It really is the simple things that make this girl overcome with joy.

LIFE...it's just so fucking beautiful! Even those moments when you are faced with pain and sorrow because if you allow it, they teach you something and make you stronger. You will be able to appreciate all that is good in life so much more. I know that for me, I am grateful for all of my hardships because they have made me who I am today! I know that I am stronger because of those moments and I know that when I am faced with future struggles I will be able to fight through them and come out a better person.

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing!" ~ Agatha Christie...AMEN sista!

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