
fall in love with yourself...

I'm going to give a little dating advice here. Which may seem quite hilarious if you've read any of my posts about my dating life! But, I have found (my opinion) I am an excellent advice giver and a horrible advice taker. I think that goes for a lot of people, but I really love giving advice and like to think I'm pretty good at it. So, anyways, when a dear friend of mine asked for advice or really just vented her frustration, I was all about giving some advice. Which got me to thinking I should share with whatever few readers I have...

I think what I'm about to share is not a secret to anyone, but something that is VERY important for every person to live by and something people ignore. The ONLY way to be happy in a relationship is to first be happy with YOU!!! Do not ever go looking for a relationship so that other person can be responsible for YOUR happiness! That is a heavy responsibility and one that the other person will surely fail at over time. Not only because it will be exhausting for them to continuously try to make you happy, but because you will find that you're still not really happy even though you have this person that you thought would change your world. It may bring about a false sense of happiness that can last some time, but at some point you will realize you're creating more heartache for yourself and probably driving that person you "love" insane in the process. It isn't fair for either individual involved.

I'm not saying you have to get all conceded and narcissistic...in fact don't do that because that is also a recipe for disaster in relationships. But, DO take time to figure out what makes you happy and fall in love with yourself. Be confident in who you are and find happiness within yourself! I can't tell you exactly how to do this, but I know it involves a lot of self reflection.

Women in particular should heed this advice because we are the ones forever chasing that Prince Charming fairytale. Looking for that man to sweep us off our feet and give us our "happily ever after". This often has us focus on everything BUT what we really want and what really makes us happy with who we are as people. Because once you are truly happy with you, it is bound to open up more opportunity to meet and fall in love with the right person and really have that happily ever after!

"When you LOVE yourself and ACCEPT yourself, you won't have to go seeking love and acceptance. IT WILL FIND YOU!" - the single woman

I've got the loving myself thing down; now I just need to figure out how to not be allergic to relationships...

1 comment:

  1. I think we are all in a way great advise givers and terrible advise takers, hah. Or at least, I am to.
