So, I've pretty much been neglecting the blogging as of late. Not really because I don't have things to write, but more because every time that I go to write something, I hate it! I keep thinking that it's just a phase that I'm going through, but this "phase" seems to be lasting longer than I'd like. Anyways, tonight I'm not writing to tell you why I haven't been writing. Nope...I'm going to catch you up on my little 101 things I want to accomplish in 1001 days (which I've also been slacking on).
Let's recap the things that I actually have accomplished:
11) visit the dr. on the regular to get fiby under control...
For those of you who do not know what fiby is, it is my little nickname for this little condition I have called fibromyalgia. Short version is: I live in some level of pain every single day of my life. Longer version can be found on my blog under the "Dear Fiby" section.
So, I really dislike doctors and have always felt very uncomfortable sitting on the examining table while they fire out a million questions that I can never seem to answer. However, now that I'm blessed with fiby as my little side-kick for life, I figured that if I want to seriously start the journey of feeling better it may have to include a doctor. So, for the past 6 months now I have been visiting Dr. North and I really like her! She has tried me on a few different types of medication and now we have it narrowed down to an anti-seizure medicine (supposed to help with the whole "not being able to sleep" thing) and a muscle relaxer for days when it's really bad. Seems to be working.
27) be debt free...
This one I'm REALLY excited about!!! I finally did it...debt free baby!!! I highly recommend that everyone work towards this goal. The key is to be realistic about the goal and to set up a monthly budget plan and of course stick to it! If I can do this, I really think that just about anyone can accomplish this goal.
43) surprise madre with a vacation for her 50th...
I think that I was more excited about surprising the madre than she was about the surprise! Don't get me wrong...she loved it, but I was over the moon giddy for weeks about actually being able to do something really nice for her. She deserves it and so much more for being the amazing mother/woman that she is! I will be taking her and the sister (yeah, the sister got majorly lucky and got included on the deal) on a 5 day cruise to the Bahamas!!
I'm pretty proud of myself for how I surprised her with it as well! The sister and I went in together to buy her a nice set of knives (you seriously couldn't cut butter with the knives she had...okay, so you could cut butter, but you get the point) and put the itinerary in the box. I expected to just give her a phone call and talk to her about how excited she was when she opened the gift, but the Madre actually came to see me and have dinner! During dinner I was so excited to have her open the gift and couldn't stop talking about it. So, you can imagine her confusion when she opened the box of knives. Oddly, she was still confused when she opened the box and saw the itinerary. Her exact words, "What is this?". After the shock wore away, the excitement came out. Now we are counting down the days until March 28th when we will be cruising away to sunshine, beaches, and booze!
56) buy an Xbox...
I'm finally into the new world of gaming! Let's just say that my obsession with Dr. Mario has taken a serious backseat and I think he's pissed! I didn't even know that I would enjoy it as much as I do and thanks to an amazing individual, I've been able to borrow some games and see what I really like. So far my speed is more Fable 2 and less Gears of War.
OH, I almost forgot...I got the xbox 360/kinect bundle. It was supposed to come with some zumba game, but the store was completely out of it. I was able to bargain with the sales clerk and get the Dance Central 2 game for FREE! That game is 100% my speed and you can catch me "shaking what my momma gave me" frequently.
69) stretch every morning to help with fiby...
I have been doing this and in my mind I look like a drunk trying to do gymnastics on a bed. Now you're trying to imagine what that would look like...I hope you're getting a good laugh! Even though I probably look ridiculous, the stretching does seem to be helping!
There you have it...the 5 whole things that I've been able to cross off of the 101 things I'm holding myself to doing. Not really doing that great of a job at keeping up with that either! 89 more to go...